testimonial from Tami Freedman: "I started "slathering"
Liquid Trace Minerals (amazing for
any injury and for system health) on the trunk of my body, on the skin
over organ / system areas (heart, thyroid, liver, pancreas, kidneys, gut,
etc) in 2009 and after years of being at a plateau in my search for full
health, I immediately started to improve, lose weight, and think clearer.
Several years
ago, I'd viewed the Dr. Richard Schulze MD videotape series "Curing
With Cayenne" (often available on ebay) where he tells the wonders
of Cayenne, Lobelia and other herbs. He also provides very
easy recipes for making Super Tonic, Cayenne Tincture and other
herbal remedies. Of course ingesting teaspoons or dropperfuls of these
every day take effort for someone who had Chronic Fatique, so, in 2010,
with my new fun "slathering" tool, I made my first batch of Cayenne
Cayenne Tincture Recipe: take hot peppers (jalapeno -
although for the truly brave
add in some habineros) chop a bit and put in
blender. Put in equal amount of Vodka to fill. Blend. Put
mixture in a glass container. Shake each day for 3 weeks. At
end of 3 weeks, strain through a cheese cloth to get liquid: Cayenne
Tincture (although I
skipped the waiting and straining and just
started slathering immediately).
According to Dr. Schulze, the 3 week/strained
tincture is a FIRST AID item extraordinaire. If you come across
someone having a heart attack, put dropperfuls of this amazing stuff down
their throat. And for those wanting to get and stay heart healthy, swallow
(either directly or in water/juice) several dropperfuls up to 4 or more
tablespoons daily.
Not liking the level of energy it takes to "drink" this every day,
I’ve finally gotten smart with DAILY (again, after my shower)
“slathering” of Cayenne Tincture externally over my heart, thyroid,
kidneys, liver, gut, pancreas… I
slather or apply this over my heart, liver, kidneys, and even under arms
to get at Lymph System, several times daily. This is doing amazing
things for my circulation, metabolism, weight (have lost 10+ lbs in 20
days, energy has improved, thinking clarified even more and just a variety
of ways that I've observed my core strengthening)....
When I first
started doing Cayenne Tincture, it was full summer (August 11,
and very hot out. When I was inside, it was a little hot, but okay.
But when I went
outside, the mixture on my skin felt like a massive hot
flash along with the feeling
of immense circulation. Since I'm good
with heat, I was okay, but thought:
a) many/most people won't be able to deal with this
b) women with bad circulation who are cold a lot might love this
c) people in cold climates during cold weather or cold-natured people
during cold weather might like this
d) this might evolve into a nice product if someone could sell it for
circulation, metabolism, weight-loss, and warmth in winter...
This stuff is amazing!
And is the nourishment needed for great and amazing heart health and
superb circulatory health. AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING.
HEALTH with a quick recipe and easy items
from your Grocery and Liquor Stores! |
other nutrients?
Check out my Trace Minerals
page, and all the other pages here on my Herbal Repair website. Getting
the nutrients into the body via the skin (foot soaks or slathering) is an
amazing and powerful therapy and a road I've taken to renewed health.
Work with all of these, from iodine, to
electrolytes, to specific essential oils and other organic healthy oils,
to Mangosteen or Gogi Juice, on the entire trunk of body. If you
do nothing else, DO THIS!!! Healthy nutrients, especially Liquid
Trace Minerals and Cayenne Tincture, applied directly to the trunk of body -- especially over
important organs EVERY DAY -- or many times every day -- are amazing!!!!
The body is truly amazing when you give it what it needs!!