Start with the concept...
you have 2000 pores on your feet (more than
 any other part of your body). Then add warm water,
massive dosing of herbs, healthy items like a bowling ball-sized bag of
garlic or figs, stir into the foot soak pan essential oils, aloe gel, cold-pressed extra
virgin oils (like olive, walnut, sunflower) with the aim to have all this
absorbing directly into your bloodstream. Add a $200 magnet placed
at key organs and body systems to draw the nutrients to targeted areas and
you have an amazing therapy!!
Dr. Joe Mercola, MD writes: Oral supplementation is perhaps your worst option, as your
liver processes everything in your digestive tract first, before it enters
your blood stream. Any method that bypasses the liver will therefore be
more effective.
Losing Weight....
and FOR
favorite "Herbal Repair"
My niece Melissa started working at
Waffle House at age 15. She's an amazing waitress. She weighed under 100
lbs her teens and beyond. At 20 she got married, got pregnant, gained 100
lbs. She gave birth and didn't lose any weight. She tried dieting and didn't
lose weight. She didn't eat much and didn't lose weight. Then she started
having massive abdominal pain and couldn't get through her Waffle House
shift. Three times she was forced to leave work, go to the E.R. and seek an
answer to debilitating pain. Not knowing much about anatomy, she told the
physicians that her kidneys hurt. They put dye in her and ran scans.
After the fourth E.R.
visit, they told her the next answer was to do exploratory surgery to see
if a kidney stone perhaps was in the kidneys but at the lip of the tube,
and might be blocking the tube
causing pain. After this surgery, the surgical doctor called her primary
doctor and told him she much be psychosomatic.
Nothing was wrong with her.
When they started to
treat her for mental illness, my mom (Melissa's grandmom) got involved.
She knew Melissa wasn't crazy. Melissa is one of the hardest working gals
around. Mom got Melissa's handwriting and took it to an Herbal Repair
practitioner for assessment. The woman called Mom the next day and said,
"No wonder she's in pain, her liver is filled with strep." Plus any
time the liver is clogged the person probably can't lose weight.
Two days later, my
parents and I did a Herbal Repair footsoak on Melissa. We did a first foot
soak to send nutrients to her immune. Did the second to "repair" or send
golden seal herb to her liver, and the 3rd foot soak was for pain.

Nanna Red & Melissa 2002 Footsoak |

Melissa 2009 with daughter Haley |
Two days after that,
Melissa reported that all pain was gone. Over the following 30 days,
Melissa lost 30 pounds spontaneously without doing any change to her diet
or routine. Over the next 5 months, Melissa lost an additional 50 pounds.
-- Several years
after this, Melissa was experiencing high blood pressure. Doctors
put her on 3 different BP medications.
She went to a
practitioner for an Herbal Repair session. The next day she took her BP
meds and nearly passed out. Going to the doctor he told her that her blood
pressure was normal and the meds she took had gotten her BP too low. The
doctor removed from her all blood pressure meds. Melissa remains off them
to this day -- after ONE Herbal Repair session.
here for my personal "Emergency" Herbal Repair story)
How-To: begin with the assessment...start
with the Polarity Therapy concept that energy comes in the left side of
the body and goes out the right. Then you need paper and ballpoint pen.
Continue by placing your left hand over an organ or body system,
like the LIVER. With your right hand, write: LIVER. Continue
writing for all the main systems and any injury areas: CROWN of head,
Finally you'll need to understand or work with someone skilled in
kinesiology, muscle testing, or dowsing with a pendulum.
At left is my personal handwriting ready for an
"Herbal Repair" assessment..
Since I'm left-handed, I pre-write
the words (Crown, Bridge, etc) with
my left hand. Then to start the assessment, I place my left hand
over the system, then scribble a spot beside that system with my
right hand while my left hand is on the system, Crown, etc.
To check for the "Herbal Repair", I'll dowse or "test" the scribble.
For right-handed people, (see at right). For more information on how
to test - see below.
Quick Note: Liver is right side at waist, kidneys are back either
side of spine approx. 2 inches above waist, pancreas is left / front
waist, gut is stomach. |

Example above of right-handed mini-assessment.
If you're right-handed, you write the WORD with your right hand
left hand is on the system. Later "test" the writing (no scribble). |

Next Step: the pictures...
first there's the "nasty stuff" such as staph, strep, candida, lyme's and
others, click here. There's a lot of "nasty stuff" in
all of us, especially injury areas. OR (preferred) check for "GOOD THINGS" you may need.
With your handwriting assessment in front of someone trained in
kinesiology or dowsing, put the left-hand finger on the handwriting for a
system/organ, like LIVER, and pendulum in right hand over pictures.
If the pendulum is over the "nasty stuff," you're asking/thinking, "does
this system have... this (abscess, adhesion, aging
pigment, etc)."
If your pendulum is
over the "GOOD THINGS," you're asking, "does this system most need... this
(garlic, figs, aloe vera gel, tea tree essential oil, etc)." People who
specialize in kinesiology or dowsing will quickly find the herb, essential
oil or other nutrient that your systems most need: "Herbal
Some notes... an interesting “Herbal Repair” theory is...
if you or someone else finds the “repair” for H1N1, you could
do numerous foots soaks with that essential oil, herb, etc. in advance and
ongoing -- this then is like a natural defense against getting that virus (almost like a
massively healthy vaccine). Another theory is to wait until you’ve got the
virus, then quickly do the “repair.” Either way, it’s nice to know that
massive infusions of the “right” nutrients may just make a huge
difference! Since many people
get MRSA at the hospital, if I HAD to go to the hospital, I’d search for the
repair and do it before going in. (more information on this and more on
the "For Emergencies" page).
therapy can be practiced on animals, including humans, dogs, cats,
horses, and...
Finally some therapies that work with the body with the same concepts as
the Herbal Repair Foot Soaks described above:
Herbal Repair with
the gal who created Herbal Repair therapy converted most of her practice of foot soaks to Color Therapy.
It's easier and seems to also be extremely effective.
Garlic Tampons
Essential Oil Tampons
the Herbal Repair practitioners also found and/or
created this amazing therapy
for the gals (sorry guys), if you have a chronic illness, and you want to
get well, please consider this...
Liquid Trace Minerals
-- sore knee? lose weight? arthritis? energy? your pet have
slathered on externally!
Bypasses the liver and
digestive organs. Directly to bloodstream. Based on same concept: any
injury area, body organ or body system needs extra nutrients to heal
All of these... so easy and so incredible!